Iowa is a draw state. It takes several points to draw a tag depending on what season you apply in.
There are a couple ways to apply for your tag. You can just buy a preference point each year until you have enough to draw the tag, or you can enter the lottery draw every year until you draw.
For guys that want to hunt in a group you can apply as a group so everyone in the group draws a tag.
Preference points are bought in January.
The lottery draw is May to June. You can find out if you were successful in the draw in July.
All of this info is on the Iowa DNR website in the nonresident hunting section.
Archery tags take 3 to 4 year to draw.
Gun tags take 2 to 3 years to draw.
You must apply in ZONE 4 to hunt with us.
Please contact us by phone or email.
Cell - 712-621-1524
Iowa is very hard and strict on drawing a tag, it takes years. After you have bought enough preference points or entered the lottery draw long enough you will finally draw a tag.
There are no landowner tags or outfitter tags offered to nonresidents in Iowa.
You can find out if you were successful in the draw in July. You can check online faster than waiting for the results to come in the mail.
Your tag will include the following licenses:
Non-Resident Hunting License
Habitat Fee
Any SexDeer Tag
Antlerless Deer Tag
You must apply in ZONE 4 to hunt with us.
Please contact us by phone or email.
Cell - 712-621-1524
Booking your hunt is the most important part of the process. The majority of all hunts are booked a year or two in advance to ensure your dates. Stay in contact with us throughout your applying process so we can get you booked before we fill up.
We take a limited number of hunters per week.
A deposit is required to book your dates.
No deposit, no dates.
Balance is due 30 days before your hunt.
If you do not draw a tag your deposit is not gone, it will roll over to the next year.
If you book and need to cancel your hunt it has to be done before the draw results.
Trip insurance is a very good idea.
The year you draw your tag will be the year your hunt is priced off of. Our prices don't go up often but have went up recently.
Prices could go up between the years of booking and drawing.
Feel free to contact us anytime in your applying process. We would be happy to help.
Please contact us by phone or email.
Cell - 712-621-1524